Which Resources
for Which Editions

Modelling the Relationships
between Witnesses


Elena Spadini, Université de Lausanne

Présentation en ligne: elespdn.github.io/talks/20190603_graphSDE/20190603_graphSDE.html

Table of contents

  1. Gustave Roud and a model for genetic criticism
  2. Mapping implications
  3. Towards an upper level ontology for textual criticism
Gustave Roud (1897-1976)
Complete works

Dir. by Claire Jaquier and Daniel Maggetti

Researchers: Alessio Christen, Bruno Pellegrino, Elena Spadini, Julien Burri, Raphaëlle Lacord

Air de la solitude


Genetic dossier




Genetic Dossier





Genetic Dossier



(feuilles,petit carnets, etc.)

(cahiers, etc.)


△ ◇

Diary or Publication

Genetic Dossier


A solution for

  • avantexte and diary
  • their relationships with other avantexte materials
  • their relationships with publication


FRBRoo ?

The concept of an Individual Work (F14) is completely realised in a single Self-Contained Expression (F22). This class comprises the immaterial realisations of individual works at a particular time that are regarded as a complete whole. [From FRBRoo 2.4]

Draft is too incomplete, fragmentary, sketchy to be a Work or its realisation in a Self-Contained Expression

a DRAFT is a written document that prepares a discourse, without realising it yet.
[Working definition by R. Mahrer]

FRBRoo ?

Expression Creation (F28). "When you scribble the first draft of a poem on a sheet of paper, you produce an instance of F4 Manifestation Singleton"

Manifestation Singleton (F4). "Examples of instances of F4 Manifestation Singleton include manuscripts, preparatory sketches and the final clean draft sent by an author or a composer to a publisher."

Expression (F2). "if a text is revised or modified, the resulting F2 Expression is considered to be a new F2 Expression."

"Revised or modified" are not modelled. Start from scratch every time?

Revised or modified (FRBR00, CIDOC-CRM) ?

is composed of (P106). parts / all

incorporates (P165). parts / all

has modified (P31). applies to E24 Physical Mad-Made Thing.

"This property identifies the E24 Physical Man-Made Thing modified in an E11 Modification. If a modification is applied to a non-man-made object, it is regarded as an E22 Man-Made Object from that time onwards.."

Which resources for which editions?
Which ontologies for which editions?
works with multiple witnesses

upper level ontology
for witness relationships
in (all kinds of) textual criticism


  • :Witness
    diary entries, avantexte, publications; mss and incunabula
  • :Aggregation of witnesses
    genetic dossier; family of witnesses


  • :Witness :isPartOf :Aggregation
  • subclass → :Witness :isReusedIn :Aggregation
  • :Aggregation :resultsIn :Witness
  • :Witness :isBefore :Witness
  • :Witness :dependsOn :Witness
upper level ontology for witnesses relationships

CRMinf : the Argumentation Model (version 0.9)

... argumentation, belief, evidences ...

upper level ontology for text and document analysis
taxonomy of errors? list of genetic stages?

upper level ontology

general and explicit

Elena Spadini, "Which Resources for Which Editions. Modelling the Relationships between Witnesses", Workshop on Scholarly Digital Editions, Graph Data-Models and Semantic Web Technologies, Université de Lausanne, 3-4 June 2019.
Creative Commons License
Photos: copyright AGR - CLSR (UNIL)